Five Lovely Songs

  • Fidelity - Regina Spektor
  • Next Year, Baby - Jamie Cullum
  • Chasing Pavements - Adele
  • Inside and Out - Feist
  • Can't Go Back Now - The Weepies

Monday, December 08, 2008

On a DIY Kick.

It started about a year ago when I decided to take up knitting. Unfortunately, I'm not the most patient person when it comes to repetitive, time consuming tasks. This is probably why I'm not an accountant or an auditor.

Recent attempts at making things from scratch include food items such as chicken noodle soup and cranberry sauce, and non-food items such as scented room sprays and all-purpose cleaners. I've actually been pretty successful with these projects, so I'm moving on to more complicated concoctions. Next on my list: bath milk. If that works out for me, I'll try my hand at home-made lotion. Think this sounds absurd? Check out Amy Karol, the craft-it-yourself queen of Portland, Oregon; she makes her own deodorant. I will openly admit that I want to be her.

While I have your attention, I'd also like to direct your ear towards Adele, a talented, new-ish singer from England. Buy her CD, dim the lights, curl up with a cup of something warm, and let her purr to you through your speakers.

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

I sympathise re: not liking repetitive tasks, sadly, my job involves an element of this but I'm doing a degree in Psychology with the OU so hopefully that will take me out of the hell that is business analysis! Good luck with making your own products, I hope it works out for you!