Five Lovely Songs

  • Fidelity - Regina Spektor
  • Next Year, Baby - Jamie Cullum
  • Chasing Pavements - Adele
  • Inside and Out - Feist
  • Can't Go Back Now - The Weepies

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


J went home so now I am all by my lonesome. This morning I told him he looked skinny and he really appreciated that. I like boosting people's self esteem so I tried the line again this afternoon. I told him I didn't believe he had eaten his burger and fries because he looked so very skinny. This time he said I was laying it on a bit too thick. I thought my compliment sounded sincere.

Tomorrow I will ask him how many times a day he throws up in order to stay so skeletal. I will also tell him that he looks especially tall for some reason.

Lunchtime update.

J and I had Five Guys for lunch. I always win because I am older and taller and smarter. And willing to cross the street to pick up the food. I win because I am not lazy. Not when it comes to food, anyway.

Lunchtime deadlock.

J won't have Five Guys for lunch so we are now at an impasse. A hungry, hungry impasse.

Because people are metro-retarded.

"I'm going to sit down so we're not all just standing here looking at the seat. If one of you would like to join me, that's fine."

My words to the two men standing next to an empty metro seat, as they each took turns slightly leaning towards it, then pulling back, for about 15 seconds. (Out of politeness?) I stopped short of announcing that I was taking the seat as the sole lady of the group because 1. ladies don't announce that they are ladies and 2. I'm not sure I really count as one, anyway.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The writing's on the wall.

My middle school crush wrote on my FB wall. Heeeeey.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What I learned today.

Today I learned that I technically don't live in Columbia Heights. Because I am one block north of Spring Road, I live in 16th Street Heights. I feel less hip now.

I really wish I lived near the Logan Circle Whole Foods so that I could say that I live in Borderstan.